HYPR - Zain Ahmed Zain Ahmed - HY.PR
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Project Imarelge

KANGEL Website

The Kangel.net website was designed and built for Kangel, a Discord bot developed by the Magic Smoke Community.


The Project

The development of the Kangel.net site was a combination across multiple disciplines for me, as I created the graphics using pre-made sprites provided by the client.
Combining the graphics and my knowledge of CSS, HTML and Javascript, I delivered an experience reminiscent to that of the eary 2000s, a style known as "webcore".
This website is intentionally kept simple, in a celebration of the past, and remembering the limitations and challenges that were kept in the past due to bandwith limitations, this website is designed to invoke memories of a time long gone.

Most of tha inspiration for the design was also from websites utilising a similar theme, such as Nekoweb and many others.
From there I went and seeked for fonts that easily fit into the desired aesthetic.

One of the most interesting things I have done by far in this project, is to embed a GIF within an SVG.
This wasn't exactly intuitive, I had to convert the GIF to a base64 data uri, and embed that within the SVG. This was done by making a placeholder image with embed within Illustrator, and then swapping it in VSCode for the Data URI. This is required as most browsers won't allow nested embeds (loading SVG within a webpage, and then loading an embed within that embed)
Using the Data URI resulted in the GIF being animated within the SVG.